About Me
Hi! My name is Daniel and I enjoy building things on the web. This interest in Web development began during the lockdown period after I completed by Industrial Training in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering when I though about how some processes could be made easier just by building solutions on the web for them.
Over time, I have had the privilege of working on multiple projects, through which the skills I have acquired and my solution-oriented personality are used to deliver efficient, accessible, creative solutions and experiences to one and all.
I have a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and for my final thesis, I completed a published research paper during my undergraduate program titled 'Geometrical Attenuation of Shockwaves using rigid obstacle matrices'.
Outside my regular developer routine, I enjoy listening to music, gaming or reading about space and technology.
My Tools and Technologies
Featured Projects
LMDb - Little Movie Database
Discover movies effortlessly with LMDB, a sleek cinematic database inspired by TMDB. This user-friendly app offers quick access to film details, including cast, crew, and synopses.
React, TailwindCSS, Typescript, Tanstack Query, TMDb API
Daniel Ezekiel - Portfolio
A simple portfolio website to showcase my projects and skills and for the site visitor to get to know a bit about me. This project was designed in Figma, hosted in github and deployed on Vercel.
Next.js, TailwindCSS, Typescript, Framer Motion, SEO
Space Tourism Website
This is a Web App built using React JS for space enthusiasts to travel though space using the multiple pages on the website and learn more about different planetary bodies and tech used in the aerospace industry.
React, Javascript, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion
Bankist Website
A website as an extension of the Bankist Web App, a simple Banking app where signed in users can send and recieve funds between themselves. The website gives an overview about the Bankist business with beautiful interactions on the DOM elements using the Intersection Observer API.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, IntersectionObserver API
Pokémon Cards
This is a web platform which is developed by implementing the Pokemon API. This interface allows the user to search for any Pokemon and obtain the general details for the requested Pokemon.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pokemon API
Spc APOD App
This is a Web App built using the NASA API to obtain a Picture of the Day depending on a date input provided by the site visitor. It was developed for Space and Star-gazing enthusiasts all around the world.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pokemon API
Noteworthy mentions
Countries Wiki
This web app is a simple web application that allows the user see or search for different countries of the world across different continents as well as obtain more information about the selected country. The app also showcases a functional dark theme toggler.
React, TailwindCSS, Typescript, REST Countries API
Galleria D'Immagini
A fully functional image gallery page with a drag-and-drop image rearrangement feature for only authenticated users. Test login details: 'user@example.com'; '1Password'.
React, TailwindCSS, Firebase, DND-Kit
Don't be a Stranger.
Shoot me an email if you would like to work with me and let's have a great time while we're at it. You can also reach me on social media using the social icons.